U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird

Mohs and Plastic Surgery in Peoria, Arizona

Elevate your beauty with premier reconstructive & facial plastic surgery services in Peoria, Arizona. Our team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals is led by Dr. Deborah Zell, Dr. James Foshee, and Dr. Iviensan “Ivie” Manalo, who are all experts in the field of dermatology and skin cancer treatment. We are also proud to have Dr. Sam DeVictor, a renowned facial plastic surgeon, as a part of our team.

U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird now offers facial plastic surgery in Peoria, Arizona with Sam DeVictor, MD.

Stay ahead of skin cancer and optimize your skin care with an annual skin exam!


U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird

U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird now offers facial plastic surgery in Peoria, Arizona with Sam DeVictor, MD.
PEORIA, AZ 85381

We are located on the Northeast section of Thunderbird and 91st Ave


 (623) 215-0950

Fax:  (623) 215-0951


MONDAY   7:30AM-5:00PM
TUESDAY   7:30AM-5:00PM
THURSDAY   7:30AM-5:00PM
FRIDAY    7:30AM-5:00PM


Featured Procedures

Call us for a consultation (623) 215-0950

About Our Mohs and Plastic Surgery Office in Peoria, Arizona

When you look in the mirror, do you see a face that makes you feel confident and self-assured, or are there aspects of your appearance you would like to change? Maybe you’ve experienced facial paralysis, cleft lip, deviated septum, or other conditions that impact your ability to lead a healthy, satisfying life. If any of this sounds familiar, it may be time to consider cosmetic or reconstructive surgery solutions. At the Peoria, AZ location of Center for Plastic Surgery – a Division of U.S. Dermatology Partners, we offer a wide range of surgical treatments in a clinic that is comfortable and safe. Our team members truly care about each patient we treat, and it shows. While our practice can provide some whole-body cosmetic surgery options, we are the local experts in facial plastic surgeries. Our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sam DeVictor, specializes in plastic surgery procedures like nose jobs (rhinoplasty), brow lifts, lip lifts, neck lifts, and full facelifts. He is also knowledgeable in providing reconstructive procedures like cleft revision and facial paralysis reanimation. With years of advanced training and experience, Dr. DeVictor works with each patient to ensure they understand the many treatment options available to them. We believe that a well-educated patient is better able to partner with us to create a plastic surgery treatment plan that delivers exactly what they need. We want patients to know they can trust that our surgeon will always have their best interests in mind, and will take the time necessary to deliver exceptional results.
Sam DeVictor, MD - Square

Sam DeVictor, MD

Dr. DeVictor firmly believes that in the realm of surgery, no detail should be overlooked, regardless of its area. He understands that each aspect holds equal importance and contributes to attaining optimal outcomes for his patients. His unwavering attention to detail and genuine dedication to his patients have been pivotal in perfecting his rhinoplasty procedure.

Setting him apart from other facial plastic surgeons in Arizona, he willingly takes on the challenge of complex revision rhinoplasty surgeries, and other facial and plastic procedures. Dr. DeVictor’s commitment to his craft, close rapport with his patients, and uncompromising pursuit of exceptional results have established him as one of the best Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeons in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Meet Our Mohs Surgeons

Experts in Mohs Reconstructive Surgery

At U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird, we offer a range of specialized services, including Mohs Micrographic Reconstructive Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, and Surgery Closures. Our commitment to patient care extends beyond medical expertise. We pride ourselves on creating a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable and confident throughout your treatment journey. Your health and well-being are our top priorities. Whether you require Mohs Micrographic Reconstructive Surgery, facial plastic surgery, or surgical closures, you can trust our dedicated team to provide you with the highest level of care and attention. We look forward to serving you at U.S. Dermatology Partners Peoria on Thunderbird and helping you achieve the best possible outcomes for your skin health and appearance.

Deborah Zell, MD

Deborah Zell, MD

Board-Certified Dermatologist
Fellowship-Trained Mohs Surgeon
Iviensan Manalo, MD

Iviensan Manalo, MD

Board-Certified Dermatologist
Fellowship-Trained Mohs Surgeon
James Foshee, MD

James Foshee, MD

Board-Certified Dermatologist
Fellowship-Trained Mohs Surgeon


The shape and size of the nose can transform the facial profile. Some nose shapes are considered more desirable than others, and if you’re one of the many people who are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, rhinoplasty may be a good option. At Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – a division of U.S. Dermatology Partners, our knowledgeable cosmetic surgeons can help you explore options for changing the shape, size, or position of your nose, so you look and feel your best.


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