Lower Body Lift Body Contouring Following Rapid Weight Loss

Following weight loss surgery or other significant weight loss, you may feel ready to show off your physical transformation and enjoy the results of your hard work, but for many, sagging excess skin, leftover pockets of fatty tissue, and other cosmetic irregularities make it hard to feel confident and enjoy their progress. According to Dr. MyChi Le of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery a Division of U.S. Dermatology Partners, “Significant weight loss changes the shape of the body dramatically, and for those who lose weight quickly following surgical intervention, these changes don’t always look the way they hoped. This can leave them feeling self-conscious after going through surgery or working hard to achieve their goal weight and improve their health. A lower body lift can be a pivotal step in truly enjoying the dramatic body transformation achieved after weight loss.” In this blog, Dr. Le goes through what to expect from a lower body lift and how to prepare for this procedure.

What is a Lower Body Lift?

Dr. Le defines lower body lift as, “A surgical procedure or group of procedures used to improve the appearance of sagging tissue, remove excess skin, and reshape or remove fatty tissue deposits. While these procedures typically focus on the lower body areas like the abdomen, buttocks, or inner and outer thighs, additional facial and body contouring treatment plans may also involve reshaping and removing excess skin from the face, neck, arms, back, and breasts.”

The Ideal Candidate for a Lower Body Lift

A board-certified plastic surgeon is the best person to help you determine whether you’re a good candidate for a lower body lift, but some of the general characteristics of good candidates for lower body lift procedures include:

  • At least 3 to 6 months of stable weight, within 10-15 pounds of reasonable weight loss goals, to allow the body to smooth and settle naturally.
  • Have loose or excess skin and tissue following weight loss.
  • Good overall health to decrease the risks of complications and improve chances for a successful procedure and full healing.
  • Dedicated to continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Nonsmokers and individuals who don’t use alcohol to excess.
  • Individuals who have the time to heal and fully recover from the lower body lift procedure.

Benefits of a Lower Body Lift

Like any plastic surgery procedure, it’s important to carefully consider your treatment options before moving forward. According to Dr. Le, “During a cosmetic surgery consultation, you’ll discuss your treatment options with the surgeon who will answer your questions and help you make the best decision even if it’s not moving forward with a lower body lift. The goal is to ensure you’re happy and confident with the outcome of surgery. However, there are many benefits to receiving a lower body lift that make it a great option for many people following dramatic weight loss. Possibly, the most important benefit is achieving the desired aesthetic results following weight loss and feeling more comfortable in your new body.”

Additional lower body lift procedure benefits include:

  • Increasing satisfaction with appearance after significant weight loss.
  • Reducing discomfort caused by pinching or rubbing the skin.
  • Alleviating risk for swelling, infection, ulcers, rashes, and other skin health concerns.
  • Making it easier to clean thoroughly for improved hygiene.
  • Repairing issues that make it difficult to walk, urinate, stand for long periods, or sit comfortably.
  • Improving self-confidence.

Preparing for Your Surgery

Before beginning your procedure, your plastic surgeon will talk you through everything you should expect before, during, and after lower body lift surgery. They will ensure you are prepared for the day of your procedure and able to make a full recovery by talking through:

  • Medications – you may need to add in new medications or stop taking or adjust the dosage of current medications before your procedure.
  • Smoking – you’ll need to stop smoking or using tobacco or any nicotine products at least two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery to ensure you heal completely and reduce the risk of infection and other issues related to recovery.
  • Food and drink – you’ll need to eat a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water leading up to your procedure to ensure your body has the nutrition it needs to recover from the procedure. However, you’ll need to forego food and drink for at least 8-12 hours before your procedure unless otherwise directed by your surgeon.
  • Sleep – get plenty of rest the night before your procedure. After your surgery, plan to rest and relax for a week or longer as you heal and recover. During recovery, sleep with your head elevated to reduce the risk of swelling.
  • Shower – take a shower immediately before your appointment. Use an antibacterial soap and wash your body thoroughly.
  • Lotion, fragrance, cosmetics – unless otherwise specified by your surgeon, don’t apply lotion, fragrances, or cosmetics immediately before your procedure.
  • Clothing – wear loose-fitting clothing to your surgical appointment to ensure comfort. Make sure to bring along breathable and comfortable clothing that won’t irritate surgical sites to wear following your procedure.

Understanding Insurance Coverage

Most forms of plastic surgery are considered to be elective. That means they are not necessary for medical reasons, and insurance plans will not usually cover these procedures. However, certain aspects of lower body lifts like a panniculectomy, a procedure used to remove and reshape hanging skin and adipose tissue on the lower abdomen only, may be covered. This treatment is often necessary due to infection risk, chronic sores, and other medical concerns, so many insurance providers will cover all or part of the cost of this treatment. During a cosmetic surgery consultation, your plastic surgeon will walk you through each recommended procedure associated with your lower body lift and discuss the costs. They will also work with you to ensure any insurance coverage is maximized if applicable.

Transform Your Body & Feel Your Best

Following significant weight loss, sagging, fat deposits, and other cosmetic concerns may leave you still feeling less than confident about your appearance. A lower body lift is often the best option to maximize the results you’ve worked hard to achieve. Each person’s needs are different, so your first step should be to contact a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon to schedule a cosmetic surgery consultation to discuss lower body lift and other treatment options.

Schedule a Plastic Surgery Consultation

Ready to take the next step in your body transformation journey? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore your lower body lift options. It’s quick and easy to complete our online scheduling request form to get started with your consultation. We look forward to working with you to create a personalized lower body lift plan to achieve your goals, look your best, and feel more confident.