Static Sling
When facial paralysis occurs, one side of the face may droop or sag. The other side will appear higher and tighter, making the paralysis more noticeable. Static sling or static suspension is a surgical procedure performed to lift the sagging side of the face. There are many benefits to this procedure, but static sling can be extremely complex. It’s essential that you work with skilled professionals who have experience and advanced training in facial plastic surgery like the knowledgeable cosmetic surgeons at Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – a division of U.S. Dermatology Partners. On this page, you can learn more about what a static sling is, how the procedure is performed, and what to expect following surgery. When you’re ready to get started, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team to schedule a consultation visit.
What Is Static Sling?
Static sling is a surgical procedure that uses fascia lata from the thigh to lift sagging that occurs due to facial paralysis. Because of the extent of this surgery, static sling is only recommended for long-lasting facial paralysis symptoms that aren’t responsive to more conservative treatments. The static sling surgical procedure involves sewing the fascia lata beneath the skin starting at the corner of the mouth. The fascia lata is then used to lift the face before being attached at the temple. It keeps the corner of the mouth lifted even while at rest to improve facial symmetry. Static sling may be recommended on its own to address facial paralysis, or it can be combined with other treatments like facelifts or Botox.
Benefits of Static Sling
There are many benefits of static sling. The most important is the restoration of confidence and self-esteem experienced by those who have been struggling with the adverse effects of facial paralysis on their appearance. Additionally, static sling can allow those with facial paralysis to speak more clearly, chew more effectively, smile, and generally have more natural-looking facial movements. For others, facial paralysis makes it difficult or impossible to completely close their eyes. Static sling can restore the ability to blink and keep eyes closed, which alleviates symptoms like dry, watery, or itchy eyes.
Recovery After Static Sling
Static sling surgery is an invasive procedure, so it’s important to talk through all potential risks and the recovery process with your cosmetic surgeon before moving forward with this treatment option. After static sling treatment, the patient will need to care for surgical sites on both the face and the thigh. Swelling and pain are the two most common symptoms impacting the surgical sites.
Rest is extremely important to ensure healing. Patients can stand and walk after this procedure, but activity should be minimized for the first two to three weeks following surgery to allow the face and leg to heal. The use of compression wraps on the leg can help to alleviate pain and swelling. The facial incision may be wrapped in bandages, or it may have a drain for a short period to remove fluid that collects under the skin. This drain will need to be removed by your surgeon during a follow-up visit. Most symptoms subside within the first few weeks after treatment.
Risks Associated with Static Sling
Your plastic surgeon will walk you through all of the risks and considerations associated with surgery before beginning treatment. It’s important to understand that a static sling doesn’t improve facial movement. Instead, it’s designed to restore facial symmetry, which can lead to some improvement in certain facial movements. One of the main concerns related to static sling is that this procedure is not permanent. Over time, the fascia lata will stretch out, leading to drooping, but this typically doesn’t happen for several years following treatment. Risks associated with static sling include excessive bleeding, adverse response to anesthesia, infection, and scarring. Most risks can be avoided by working with a qualified facial plastic surgeon and getting in touch with your surgeon at the first sign of concern.